Dec 2021 -


HEC Paris; Sciences Po Law School (Paris)

I teach "Legal Data Analysis" at HEC Paris, and at Sciences Po Paris. The course is designed as an introduction to Python methods and tools (in English), as applied in particular to legal data.

Sep 2020 -

Independent Practitioner

Damien Charlotin S.A. (Paris)

I provide legal advice and officiate as tribunal secretary on public international law and commercial arbitrations matters. I notably work as an assistant to Prof. Makane Moïse Mbengue (U. of Geneva). In this capacity, I have advised (inter alia):

  • A Latin American State on the international law remedies available with respect to the arrest of one of its Ambassadors and Special Envoy in an African State;
  • An Arbitration Panel (as Secretary) in a safeguards dispute under a Regional Trade Agreement (Panel Report);
  • The African Union in the context of two advisory proceedings before the ICJ (Palestine, and Climate change); and
  • An African Regional Economic Organisation on investment facilitation and promotion.

Aug 2017 -

Bar Manager

Corpus Christi College (Cambridge, UK)

I was elected two years in a row to manage the Graduate Bar at Leckhampton, a non-profit institution with an annual turnover of 25,000+ GBP.

Dec 2016 -


IAReporter (Paris)

To date, I have written more than 750 articles and contributions regarding international investment arbitration news, including summaries of awards and analyses of recent developments in investment treaty law. I investigate new cases, and report on ongoing developments in the field. I am also in charge of implementing new data solution and offerings, such IAReporter's Virtual Casebook and Topic Tool (launch planned for Q3 2022).

Dec 2014 -

Senior Intern

Allen & Overy (Paris)

January 2015 to June 2015, and Avril 2016 to August 2016. Litigation & Arbitration department, under the direction of partners Marie Stoyanov, Michael Young, and Erwan Poisson. Legal research, drafts of written submissions and law articles, etc. Matters handled involve advising (inter alia):

  • The state in HEP v. Slovenia (ICSID Case No. ARB/05/24)
  • The state in Allawi v. Pakistan (PCA Case No. 2012-23), and Progas v. Pakistan (SCC Case No. 025/2012);
  • A Gulf state in reviewing its international investment treaties;
  • A South Korean electronics supplier in an ICC arbitration with a German buyer;
  • A private party in resisting the set aside of an award for corruption before the Paris Court of Appeal.

May 2013 -


Junior Consulting Sciences Po (Paris)

I ensured the transition period between the old and the new board, selected and trained new recruits, and worked on various missions of varying interest.

Aug 2012 -

Assistant Manager

Ladurée Australia (Sydney)

As a member of the opening team, I set up the business's original processes, reporting documents, and advised on the best way to display the macarons.

Nov 2011 -


Sauver le Monde des Hommes (Paris)

Start-up dedicated to men fashion. I was in charge of research, marketing, and web-mastering tasks. I learned basic start-up skills, and the life-changing difference between a jersey, a popeline, and a twill.

Aug 2011 -


Paul (Paris)

Rue de Buci, Paris 75007, Bakery and Restaurant. In the purest tradition of Parisian waiters, I waited tables, frowned at tourists, and arbitrarily forgot orders.